

Mar 27

Vol 11 / Issue 03 / July-Dec 2022

Vol 11 / Issue 03 / July-Dec 2022 (Bi-annual) / ISSN 2277-727X                                                                                                                  

Total Research Papers : 25

Table of contents

Sr.NoName Of The Paper
1Feminism in the Novels of Shashi Deshpande….Page.No-01-03
Javaid Ahmad Mir[Full Text PDF]
2Innovative Marketing Strategy in Engineering College Library Services in Aurangabad….Page.No-04-15
Nirmala G. Borade, Madansing D. Golwal[Full Text PDF]
3Air Mass Can Be Cleaned Up Through New Fusion Breakthrough….Page.No-16-19
Swapnil S Arsad[Full Text PDF]
4Virtual Experiments versus Actual Laboratory Experiments: A study with e- Questionnaire….Page.No- 20-23
Swapnil Arsad [Full Text PDF]
5Artificial Sun: A Close Future Reality….Page.No-24-26
Swapnil Arsad[Full Text PDF]          
6Anusuchit Jatiy Mahilaye Tatha Rajnitik-Samajik Badhay : Janpad Poudi Gadhwal Me Yamkeshwar Vikaskhand Ke Vishesh Sandharbh Me….Page.No-27-30
Anil Kumar Saini[Full Text PDF]
7Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Reaction Time of Students of Indore….Page.No-31-32
Hitesh Chourey, Minakshi Pathak[Full Text PDF]
8A Comparative Study of Depression between Cricketers and Non Cricketers of South Kashmir….Page.No-33-35
Summayah Jan[Full Text PDF]
9An Analytic study of Physical Fitness between Cricket & Volleyball Players of Kashmir….Page.No-36-38
Summayah Jan[Full Text PDF]
10Closing the Circle: Silence, Subservience and Perennial Slavery in the Slave Girl….Page.No-39-41
M. Krishnaraj[Full Text PDF]
11Incorporation of Gandhian Way of Thinking in the Current Setting….Page.No-42-47
Ashu Pasricha[Full Text PDF]
12A Comparative Study of Comprehensive Anxiety between Individual Sports Athletes and Team Game Athletes….Page.No-48-51
Vinita Baloni, Shweta Suri[Full Text PDF]
13Destigmatizing the Menstruating Body: Representation of Menstruation in Select Films….Page.No-52-57
Reshmi Paul[Full Text PDF]
14Impact of Environmental Degradation and Desertification on Arawalli Hills, Alwar….Page.No-58-66
Girdhari Lal Gurjar[Full Text PDF]
15A Comparative Study of Usage of ICT Among the Boys and Girls of  Army  Public School Meerut….Page.No-67-70
Pravesh Kumar, Meenakshi Sharma[Full Text PDF]
16Impact of Information Communication Technology on  Sportspersons  and  Sportspersons of Subarthi University….Page.No-71-75
Pravesh Kumar, Meenakshi Sharma[Full Text PDF]
17A study of Aggression of Senior Secondary School Students….Page.No-76-87
Sukhdeep Kaur [Full Text PDF]
18Vyavsthapan Abhyasachi Garaj….Page.No-88-95
Thore Shivaji Dattatraya[Full Text PDF]
19Haritkrantiche Karane aani Prabhav….Page.No-96-102
Thore Shivaji Dattatraya[Full Text PDF]
20Development of Science and Technology: A Gandhian Perspective….Page.No-103-112
Ghanshyam Dev[Full Text PDF]
21Green Struggle: Balancing Humans and Nature….Page.No-113-124
Ghanshyam Dev[Full Text PDF]
22Role Perception and Performance of SMC Members in Implementing the RTE Act 2009 in Bihar….Page.No-125-131
Jay Prakash, Rasmirekha Sethy[Full Text PDF]
23Exploring the Concept of the Byronic Hero….Page.No-132-135
Eknath Tatte[Full Text PDF]
24Satire and Social Critique in the works of Jonathan Swift….Page.No-136-138
Eknath Tatte[Full Text PDF]
25Kamala Das and her Feminist Approach….Page.No-139-142
Shubha Mukherjee[Full Text PDF]